Curriculum Vitae:  Mirah Riben

Published Books

     Riben, M. (2007)The Stork Market: America’s Multi-Billion Dollar Unregulated Adoption Industry, Dayton, NJ: Advocate Publications
     Riben, M. (1988) shedding light on...The Dark Side of Adoption, Dayton, NJ: Advocate Publications

Honors and Awards
     1997-1998. Who’s Who in American Women, 20th edition
     Golden key National Honor Society, Rutgers University Chapter, in  Recognition of Outstanding Undergraduate Achievement
     Dean’s list, University College, 1998
     Recipient of an academic scholarship, University College, 1999-2000
     1989 “Outstanding Achievement Award to an Author”, People Searching News, Florida. Jone Carlson, Editor
     Dean’s List, Middlesex County College, 1982-1983 academic year


Volunteer History
     Vice President of Communication,, 2008 –200
     Public Relations Chair and member of the Board of Directors, Origins-USA, August 2007- Aug 2008
     President, University College Literary Society, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 1999-2000.
     Editor in Chief, The Podium: A Publication of University College Literary Society, Vol. III, 2001
     Assistant Editor, The Podium: A Publication of University College Literary Society, Vol. II, 2000
     Secretary, University College Governing Association, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 1999-2000
     Director-at-Large, American Adoption Congress, 1988-1989
     Co-founder, Origins, the original Origins, a NJ-based national organization for women who lost children to adoption, 1978 – 1995
     La Leche League Leader, 1977 - 1981

Speaking Engagements

Radio and Television Presentations:
     "Speaking of Adoption" with Donna Montalbano, WOON Radio Jan. 8, 2008. Judyth Piazza, The American Perspective, The Student Operated Press, April 12th, 2007
     The Adoption Show - Voices Ending The Myth, Michelle Edmonds, June 17, 2007
     Joan Rivers, May 4,1990 segment #1170: with Grace Anne Smiegel, grandmother of Lisa who was killed by Joel Steinberg
     Morton Downey Junior Show, 1989, panel discussing open records with Joe Soll and Carol Gustavson
     Morton Downey Jr. Show, 1988, The Dark Side of Adoption
     Geraldo Rivera Show, 1988,“Private Adoption: White Knights or Flesh Peddlers?”
     Community View. (1987) Interview, July. Jackson Cablevision, NJ: Jacksonville.

Conference Presentations:
     Riben, M. (2014) The Cmplexities of Adoption. Brandies at Concordia, Monroe, NJ
     Riben, M. (2009). “Reexamining Goals: ‘Open records’ versus ‘equal access’.” American Adoption Congress. 30th Annual Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, April 22 – 25.
     Riben, M. (2007). Alternative Routes to Permanency: Is Adoption Always the Best Choice? Adoption Ethics and Accountability Conference sponsored by The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute and Ethica, Inc. October.
     Riben, M. (1997). Children Caught in the Middle: Divorce, Adoption & Other Separations, Plenary session, American Adoption Congress 18th Annual Conference, Baltimore MD, April 25-28
     Riben, M. (1995). Adoption/Surrogacy. Women, Culture and Society class, Rutgers University, Department of Women’s Studies
     Riben, M. (1989). In the “Best Interest” of All: Equal Rights for Adopted-Separated Persons, American Adoption Congress, Region 3 Conference: Inequality Must End, October 1.
     Riben, M. (1989). Adoption Loss: Its Profound Effect on Women and Society's Exclusion of Them, Celebration of Our Work: Mosaics of Inclusion, Presented at the 7th Annual NJ Research Conference on Women, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, May 23.
      Presented at countless other conferences including: Parents of Tomorrow, Adoption Forum, Council on Equal Rights in Adoption, Origins (NJ), and Concerned United Birthparents. 
     Substituted at Staten Island College for Phyllis Chelser, Professor of Women’s Studies
     Guest lectured at Rutgers University, Women’s Studies.

     Advocate Publications, 2007-present
     Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. 1990 - 2003
     Volitant Publishing Corp., New York. 1969-1973


            Associate Degree-equivalent in Sociology, University College Honors Program, 
             Rutgers, the State University of NJ. 1994-2001

Organizational Memberships
     Lifetime member
     Lifetime member Bastard Nation,
     Member American Adoption Congress (AAC)
     Member Adoptive Parents for Ethical Adoption Reform (aPEAR)

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